MACON PLANT SWAP: Bring a plant; Take a plant. Location: Macon United Methodist Church Parking Lot (Rain or Shine)11964 Macon Highway (at Crossroad with Clinton Macon Rd)
Date: Second Saturday of June from 9-11:30 am.
Contact: Sharon Scott, 517-456-7198
Macon United Methodist Church, at 11964 Macon Highway, is holding their 17th annual Plant Swap,
from 9-11:30 am. Get ready! All gardeners are welcome to bring their extra ornamental grasses,
ground covers, shrubs, trees, perennials, houseplants, herbs, seeds, etc. to trade.
Please label the plant with the name and also indicate the plant’s invasiveness. You are welcome to come even if you don’t have plants ; we will share and you can make a donation that will go to a charity.
Also, there will be some gardening books and decorative pots for sale. Please practice COVID protocols to protect others.
There will be a plant, just for signing in.
We hope you will come and enjoy the Swap; rain or shine.
Proceeds used from 2023 Macon Garden Club Plant Swap see below.
Neighbors of Hope July 19, 2023picture of planters and flower / bushes provided by MGC (Macon Garden Club)